Whether you’re biking to work or going on a walk, access to safe and connected shared use paths is vital to the community. The Mobility Authority is committed to keeping Central Texas moving with a focus on quality of life for our region. This commitment is why we design, construct, and implement multimodal, pedestrian and cyclist-friendly facilities like shared use paths, sidewalks and cross-street connections as part of every project whenever feasible.
Shared Use Paths
View an interactive map and learn about the Mobility Authority’s Shared Use Path system
The 183 North Mobility Project is no different. The corridor is heavily populated with businesses, retail and neighborhoods, and the right-of-way available for bicycle and pedestrian improvements is highly constrained by existing utilities, walls, driveways, steep slopes and drainage features.
Despite these obstacles, the Mobility Authority will provide safe connectivity for bicyclists and pedestrians throughout the corridor, such as closing existing gaps to provide a network of continuous bike lanes available to cyclists traveling between SH 45N and MoPac. Improvements include:
- An 8-foot wide Shared Use Path to connect the Jollyville Road bike lanes to the bike lanes on Pond Springs, a distance of approximately 1,600 feet.
- An 8-foot wide Shared Use Path from bike lanes on Pond Springs to the bike lanes on Lake Creek Parkway adjacent to the US 183 northbound frontage road, a distance of approximately 2,600 feet.
- Sidewalks along the US 183 northbound and southbound frontage roads from RM 620/SH 45N to Loop 360 in locations where sidewalks do not currently exist.
- Cross street connections for bicyclists consisting of 5-foot bike lanes in each direction, created by re-striping the existing cross street pavement to narrow the traffic lanes to 11 feet each.